How might God be calling you to support these children?
Dear Friend of India,
When I took my first trip to Northern India about 10 years ago, the boys' home* for abandoned children was only a couple of years old. As I met the 20 or so boys who lived in the home I could see that they were thriving - they were well-nourished, joyful and working hard at their studies. They loved to pray and to sing praise songs. Several talked about wanting to be pastors or doctors or engineers when they grew up - very real possibilities for these boys who just a few years before had lived in situations with little hope. I learned that most of these boys had come to the home through the efforts of our ch*rch planters who had helped rescue them from very difficult situations. As I talked with those boys, I was so grateful that they had a safe place to grow into all that God intended for them!
A lot has happened over the last 10 years. Many of those boys are now adolescents - and they’re still thriving as a part of the boys' home family. It’s so exciting to hear of their devotion to God and the great hopes they have for their future as they are on the brink of adulthood! Several years ago, the home for girls* was built and became home to about 35 girls (since then, two new floors were added to that building). And now (during the pandemic), a brand-new, boys' home has been constructed! The hope is to quickly fill these two homes with about 200 children who are greatly in need of a safe, stable and loving environment where they will be nurtured and will learn about and experience the love of God daily. Our partner’s* desire is for these orphaned children to become well-educated, strong believers who win others to the faith.
But before that can happen, there are tables and beds and cooking pots and other essentials needed, and there is staff to hire and train. There’s a need for on-going, consistent funding to pay expenses like water and electricity, and to provide for clothing, food, school fees and medical care for each of the children.
And so, here’s where you come in. Here’s your chance to be a part of this exciting ministry!
Please pray about how God might be calling you to support these children through the children's homes. Perhaps you, your family, or your small group or “Word” study class would want to consider becoming on-going supporters of the ministry. Or perhaps you’d like to make a one-time gift to help purchase the essentials that are needed to get the homes ready to receive the children who are waiting to move in. There are so many ways you can make a difference in the lives of these children!
Donate Now to consider becoming a part of the children's home family through your support!
In Christ,
Lois Darbonne
Development Team Member
Friends of India Network
*Name omitted for security reasons.