As you’re checking off your Christmas list, we invite you to bless our hard-working ch**ch planters with a gift, too! On Jan. 3-5, our partner* is bringing together all of his workers for the first in-person planning conference in three years (because of Covid lockdowns). They’ll create ch**ch multiplication maps**, pray and write out plans for 2023. Everyone is excited to meet after all this time, and we want to tangibly express our appreciation with a gift at the conference.
We’ll give everyone a heavy winter blanket and a backpack for traveling to the villages, as well as two sets of uniforms and a winter jacket for the men and a sari and winter sweater for the women. Each set is $50 and we have 1,000 workers: 800 males and 200 females.
“These are great heroes of the faith,” said our partner. “They’ve been a great blessing to God’s work and now we want to bless them. On average, each person has planted 15
ch**ches and led over 500 people to Christ. Praise God!”
In addition, please join us in praying for Christmas Outreach Week (Dec. 16-22), when an estimated one million people will learn of Christ’s saving love for the first time! Four thousand teams plan to take the Good News to unreached people in 30,000-40,000 villages of Northern India and surrounding areas. (The teams consist of our partner’s workers plus ones that his organization has trained.)
Since the majority of the villagers are illiterate, workers are trained to share God’s story using pictorial banners. Typically, our parnter holds two major outreach weeks a year – one in the summer and one in the winter – and they are key to accomplishing his vision of “No Village Left.” He wants to see at least one ch**ch in every village of Northern India by 2033.
“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (NIV, Isaiah 7:14)
Merry Christmas!
*Name omitted for safety reasons.
**Ch**ch multiplication maps - detailing generations of ch**ches in flowchart form. Each pastor starts multiple ch**ches at once. In turn, each ch**ch is responsible for starting three or four more. Go five or six rows down the chart, and hundreds of ch**ches will be in existence in a few years.