At the beginning of January, our partner* brought together all of his workers for a three-day planning conference. As they praised God for all that He’s done in 2022 and sought His guidance for 2023, the Lord gave our partner a remarkable vision for the next 10 years.
The organization fleshed out long-term plans for No Village Left (the vision to see a healthy ch*rch in every village of Northern India by 2033), ch*rch planting training, Global and Christmas Outreach campaigns, Disciple Maker School, the Chr*stian school, and the children’s homes. To make this God-size plan easier to digest, today we’ll focus on No Village Left.
Vision Spotlight: No Village Left
Although our partner launched NVL a year ago, the ministry has been making disciples and planting ch*rches since 2010. To gain a better understanding of the plan for the next 10 years, it’s helpful to first look back at what God has already done. The number of workers has grown from 28 to 1,000, and together they’ve shared the Good News with more than 16 million people, planted over 45,000 house ch*rches, and given “holy baths” to approximately 244,000 believers. Hallelujah!
So, it is with great anticipation for what the Lord will do next that the ministry created the following goals:
10-Year Master Plan for Northern India
Share the Good News with 200 million
Gain 30 million new believers
Give holy baths to 10 million
Plant 240,000 healthy house ch*rches
Start 1 million prayer groups
Need 15,000 full-time workers
In addition to a lot of prayer, accomplishing No Village Left will require 15,000 full-time workers. Ideally, we will raise the funds to support them by 2025. Each church planter needs $80/month for five years.
What an exciting time to be a follower of Jesus!
*Name omitted for safety reasons.