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Great Harvest in India

A group of people standing with a sign.

Praise the Lord for hearing our prayers and reaping a bountiful harvest during our Summer Outreach! From June 24 - July 7, thousands of teams shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with approximately 4.5 million (previously!) unreached people across Northern India! Below are some of the incredible results – remember, these are not just “stats,” but individual men, women and children who before last month had not heard the name of Jesus. Now, they are part of the family of God and forever changed! 

“God used simple people like us to do tremendous work,” said our partner. “These outreach efforts are key to seeing No Village Left – a healthy ch*rch in every village of Northern India by 2033.”


62,597 locations across 18 states of India

3,500+ teams (with the help of 20,000+ believers in the ch*rches)

55,029 persons of peace*

4,494,205 reached with the Good News

346,871 accepted Jesus as their Savior

Our evangelists returned home with countless stories of healings that led to whole families accepting Christ and desiring to learn more. Over the next six months, workers will disciple these new, thirsty believers, as well as the persons of peace who opened their homes for fellowships. Prayerfully, the fellowships will grow into house churches.

Here are just a few of the powerful testimonies.

Sister B*santi accepted Christ after experiencing the supernatural power of God. She had terrible migraines for more than 10 years, and since she was poor, didn’t have money for treatment. Basanti cried every day. When she heard the pastors share the Good News in her village, God had mercy, healed her headaches and wiped away her tears. Joy returned to her life. She burned all the idols in her house and brought her husband and kids to the Lord. They, too, are eager to know more about Jesus.

A young boy, Ra*path, suffered from mental illness, and even with medical care, talked to himself and would frequently run away. When the visiting pastors and believers laid hands on Rajpath and prayed for him, God’s presence filled the room and healed him. Now set free, Rajpath behaves like other normal kids. This remarkable change led his entire family and neighbors to accept Jesus and start a house church in their village! Through this miracle, many more will come to Christ.

The Lord led Pastors Ra*esh and S*nil to Ku*um’s house. When they started to share the Good News, an evil spirit began screaming from the woman. With the power of the Holy Spirit, the pastors commanded the spirit to come out of her. Immediately God delivered Kusum from the evil spirit. This miraculous encounter led Kusum’s entire family to accept Christ and open their doors for a weekly fellowship in their village.

Hallelujah! Please continue to pray for No Village Left, the ministry, these new believers and the seeds that were planted during the Summer Outreach. 

*A person of peace may not have accepted Jesus as Lord, but is open to the gospel message, welcomes believers, and often is a gateway to the community.


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